Thursday, September 6, 2012

Craniofacial Acceptance Month

Well, we're definitely off to a better fall than we were last year! And frankly, the year before that as well. Kennedy has made it to school every day for the first two weeks (as opposed to only one day out of the first two weeks), her GI issues have been at bay for months now (as opposed to plaguing her for months), and she is healthy (knock on wood!). And some day, we will win the war on this stupid skin graft site...mark my words! One year and counting...SIGH!

To my point! September is Craniofacial Acceptance Month. And so I challenge you to share in this special month in some way:

- Share Kennedy's story with someone...we can all learn from her courage and strength.

- Teach your children, your grandchildren, the neighbor kids, any kids to accept others for who they are, not for what they look like. Beyond the face is a heart.

- Explain to your children (and even more importantly the adults) in your life that staring, pointing, and whispering makes everyone uncomfortable. If they have questions, just ask!

- Stress that bullying is never tolerated anywhere for any reason. And bullying comes in many different forms. We may have grown up saying that sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us. But we all know that is total BS. Words hurt.

- Learn more about craniofacial syndromes and diseases -- I bet you have no idea how many are out there and to what degree they differ!

- Participate in a fundraiser (Cleft Palate Gallop is Saturday!!) to promote awareness and acceptance or donate to a craniofacial organization.

- Get together with us and share my hero for a day...I promise, you won't regret it.

The one thing I pray for the most concerning Kennedy is ACCEPTANCE. She will always look different. She will always hear different. She will always talk different. But she will always be beautiful with a heart of gold. Remember and teach: BEYOND THE FACE IS A HEART.